All the things about you need to know about windows 8.1
It had been a rumours called windows blue until Microsoft official mentioned the tittle windows 8.1 and its all about a stable update to the last released operating system windows 8 and its a free update to all who owns windows 8. The key thing what Microsoft has done in the 8.1 update is to removing the major disadvantages both at windows 8 RT and pro versions of windows
windows 8.1 start menu screenshot
More Personalisation and Customisation
Well the very first thing to be noticed from the above screenshot is you can adjust the tiles in windows 8.1 just the way what you use to do in windows phone 8. See the difference in weather app and other app we can notice all the three size i.e small, big , bigger. Also there is one more advantage that you can move more than one tile at the same time which is more advantage and time saving to personalise the desktop the way you want.
More and Better Multitasking over Multiscreen
Unlikely Windows 8 the metro apps had a multiscreen but only two apps at the same time but in the type of 70% and 30% that’s how two apps use to multitask or multiscreen in windows 8 but now in windows 8.1 this barrier is set to edges now upto 4 apps and however u want to multitask is seen.
Internet Explorer 11
Well windows 8 was known for its Internet explorer 11 until it was launched for windows 7 well later for windows 8.1 in day 2 of build 2013 they launched internet explorer 11 which is been added by many features. It comes with WebGL enable which really enhances the experience of the 3d content over the windows 8.1. Also now website owners can create a separate live tile which directly access their blogs rss. Microsoft even added reading lists like the safari over iOS. And IE11 also detects phone numbers and directly call is made over Skype. It has even better touch screen support and better load time. It also sync passwords and bookmarks from other browsers
Skype is more integrated in windows 8.1. The main disadvantage in windows 8 was when you get a call on Skype u need to unlock the screen now in windows 8.1 you can directly pick the calls on the lock screen itself and I also mentioned earlier it detects phone numbers on Internet explorer 11
Bing Integration
Windows 8.1 update is strongly integrated now you can get bing detailed results anywhere when u search for anything with information and images the way you want
start button
Well Microsoft removed start button in windows 8 and now they brought back in 8.1 update well this can be because to diminish the use of physical button which the windows 8 covertibles are in the market so that we can fully be depended on the screen button.
Well in windows 8 if u need to change the screen resolution you need to go to desktop and then you have to change the screen resolution well now in windows 8.1 you can do it directly from the settings app and this is even advantage for the windows 8 RT version which use to work on same resolution
Directly boot to desktop
windows 8.1 has a feature to boot directly to the desktop like all the other version of windows and u don’t need to deal with the tiles menu when pc is booted to windows 8.1
In windows 8.1 update skydrive the cloud service of Microsoft is more deeply integrated which backups your settings photos and many other at the background same like iCloud making users to switch over to different tablets or phones and having the things the way they wanted
how to install windows 8.1 preview
Well it depends on you there are two ways either to offline installation(ISO) or store based installation
All you need is to go here and choose the way you want if u want store based then store bases or iso for offline installation