Contact Us And T&C
If you need any help or got any suggestion to say , need a opinion about the gadget which is been not posted over the blog then you can simply mail/ contact us at or add me on skype make sure you use proper subject to your mail before mailing us we will try to reply you as soon as possible and give the opinion or work on your suggestion.

Absolute Gizmos Logo
For Companies you can even give your review devices to review to us types of devices accepted are
- Smartphones/ Tablets
- Softwares/Games
- Routers
- Digital’s/SLR’s/DSLR’s Cameras
- Laptops/ Desktop
- Headphones and Other accessories
- Others (All Gadgets)
The Physical devices are to given at addresses which you will get when you mail and we will return the device to you in good possible condition within 1 or 2 week even in case if the review is not posted is beacause we might have not like the device . even if review is posted it will be completly shown with its pros and cons and sometime a small youtube video will be also created all the things which will be done will be mailed to you with the link.
in case of software original product key must be given which after reviewing will be given to the worker at absolutegizmos
Harming or voilating the terms of condition of any company is not been done by us
You can directly mail us at
P.S. If you are unable to contact at the email because sometimes email maybe down. Try to contact on twitter @prabhurupe or at Facebook Page .