Five Apps for the Under Eight Set

Elmo Loves 123s

Kids love playing with iPhones and iPads, and parents often find themselves anxious about how much screentime their young children are getting every day. Fun, educational apps can make the time kids spend playing with devices more beneficial. These are some of the best Apple apps for children under the age of eight. They’re fun and provide a great opportunity to teach essential skills.   Elmo Loves 123s: This super simple math game features Elmo from Sesame Street. Geared towards younger kids, this app teaches simle addition and subtraction as well as number identification, all with the help of lovable […]

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Oakter Smart Home Kit Review – The Best Home Automation Till date ?

Oakter SMART HomeKit

I had been a fan of the bright bulbs and mainly smart home appliances in together. We saw a mainly two products like the Syska Smart Bulb and Reos Lite Smart Bulb. Those were to be much limited to bulb what if you want home automation to existing home. I also tried researching out mainly the home automation requires a lot of work. Primarily working on the walls all complicated and expensive stuff. This was my type of prospectus, and It was right indeed I have seen such things in the rooms of 5-star hotels and Some good MNC do […]

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GoPhygital App Review and QnA with Founder

The World of AR and VR is expanding to a significant stake. It’s totally game changing experience, Lot of companies trying to push into. From Cheap VR to Awesome VRs and similar is with AR as well. I don’t need to speak differently about them. The Greatest point of this struggling era of VR and AR is the lack of quality apps as well as hardware costs a lot. Smartphones had brought the VR and AR experiences closer to delicious. Soon it will be as amazing as the Microsoft Holo Lens project in AR or HTC Vive in VR. Today […]

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SanDisk Connect Wireless Stick Review – The WiFi Pendrive

Sandisk Connect Wireless Stick

Well, Introduction to USB Pendrive was the most amazing Invention out there which completely erased out the Era of CD/DVDs. Never thought it could be such level. The Pendrive are the most sold accessory, and almost every person has one for the personal use. It’s smaller and handy, rather than just increasing the storage what could be next? Some thought it could be USB OTG pen drive which connects to Smartphones. Giving an external storage accessibility that’s what we have seen with Transcend USB OTG pen drive which we reviewed earlier. All my conception was changed when SanDisk send me […]

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[Fixed✅] how to fix ” Cannot Verify Server identity ” Error in iOS 10 and above / iPhone 7

Date and Time settings in iOS 8

I recently updated to iOS 10 on my iPad air and When I was browsing after the update “Cannot verify the server identity” error occurred. I was shocked I was unable to browse, not even gmail and not even YouTube. I thought the error would not happen in YouTube, but unfortunately, it keeps on loading. Same happened with Google + it kept on loading. “Cannot verify the server identity” has three buttons Cancel, Details, Continue. I tried to press each of these still the issue didn’t solve Issue Can’t browse all the websites as certificate becomes outdated can’t use website […]

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