UC Browser with Matherial Design Review

UC browser with Material Design

Everyone who owns Android smartphone definitely doesn’t love stock browser even if it is chrome or any other. The best way is to install other browser which would enhance the experience similarly when I was irritated with chrome I discovered the UC browser, I use to use it on my symbain phone in olden days,can’t forget opera too. The only reason why I got addicted to UC browser is its new update interface which is far more beautiful and amazing than olden one.

UC browser with Material Design

UC browser with Material Design

User Interface of UC browser

Android 5.0 Lollipop comes with the New material design and every app is trying to adopt the new Material design in their app to suite their app with the new Android 5.0. So as the UC browser also did and yeah they really impressed with its all new adopted or material inspired design, and I really thing this change over was really important for UC browser.  The User interface is definitely user friendly now its more user friendly and more beautiful, better finishing and amazing small animations to these buttons whether it be  search bar or url or opening option menu, they create amazing transition. Well For User Interface I am definitely Aloting almost full marks.


We gone through benchmark test of sun-spider which gaved total result of 738.5ms +/- 3.0% which was pretty low as its important that these result should be low. We were impressed with these result and yeah the browsing experience was amazing, fast and fluid. Even the phones which support guestures were also been supported that was shocking I was able to get guesture support in my Lenovo Vibe Z2 pro. So I don’t have any complaints also addons made the experience more faster and amazing. That makes UC browser more customizable and more important it also supports themes.


UC browser with Material Design Benchmark

UC browser with Material Design Benchmark

Verdict of UC browser

Well I really loved the features it offers, good sleek and clean design also amazing web experience is offered from a budget to high end smartphone. Also light weight that makes it completely perfect alternative browser other than stock. Its perfectly optimised for smatphones well not so good at tablet hope it will be seen in future more amazing updates and keep the same amazing level of web experience too.

UC Browser


User Interface







  • Amazing User Interface
  • Amazing web experience


  • No specific Optimization at Tablet